Whether you use the plate or the web, please know that your contributions are helping bring positive change to others in our community and beyond Houston. Your regular tithes and offerings help meet the needs of the church and to continue many programs that are changing lives, both physically and spiritually.
Thank you for helping us make a difference!
Offering During Sunday Worship Service
Cash or checks (made payable to Saint Paul Presbyterian Church) may be placed in the offering plates on Sunday morning. Contact the church office at (713) 774-7446 if you would like to donate with offering envelopes. If you would like for your donation to benefit a specific cause, please write a note on the memo line of your check. If there is no designation, your offering will be used for general operations in the Church.
Offering During Sunday Worship Service
If you prefer, Saint Paul now provides online giving opportunities. Online giving lets you make one time payments or reoccurring payments safely and conveniently from your computer or smartphone.
Please Note: Saint Paul does not encourage the use of credit cards.
At Saint Paul Presbyterian Church, we contribute to various organizations.
These include:
7734 Mary Bates Blvd.
Houston, TX 77036
St. Martin's ELCA
1123 Burney Rd,
Sugar Land, TX 77498
All Rights Reserved | Saint Paul Presbyterian Church